Returns the name of the specified date part as a discrete string. Number of days between Maand February 20, 2021ĭATEDIFF('month',, )

For example, subtracting the dates someone entered and left a band to see how long they were in the band. Returns the difference between date1 and date2 expressed in units of date_part. SyntaxĭATEDIFF(date_part, date1, date2, ) Returns the number of date parts (weeks, years, etc) between two dates. Push out all due dates by one week DATEADD('week', 1, )Īdd 280 days to the date FebruDATEADD('day', 280, #2/20/21#) = #November 27, 2021# For example, adding three months or 12 days to a starting date. Returns the specified date with the specified number interval added to the specified date_part of that date. MAKEDATE is another similar function, but MAKEDATE requires the input of numeric values for year, month, and day.Īdds a specified number of date parts (months, days, etc) to the starting date. If DATE does not recognize the input, however, try using DATEPARSE and specifying the format. Unlike DATEPARSE, there is no need to provide a pattern as DATE automatically recognizes many standard date formats. Returns a date given a number, string, or date expression.ĭATE() DATE("September 22, 2018") DATE("") DATE(# 14:52#) Type conversion function that changes string and number expressions into dates, as long as they are in a recognizable format. Use the ISO-8601 calendar: ISO-8601 Week-Based Calendar.Set default date properties: Date Properties for a Data Source.Format how a date is displayed in a viz: Custom Date Formats.There are several other topics that might be of interest but aren't part of date functions:

These are covered in more detail at the end of this topic. Date Functionsĭate functions sometimes reference date-specific elements, including the date_part argument, the optional parameter, and date literals (#). When date fields are used in the viz they get a special set of functionality, including an automatic date hierarchy drill down, date-specific filter options, and specialized date formatting options.ĭate functions allow you to manipulate dates in your data source. If a field contains recognizable dates, it will have a date or date time data type. Dates are a common element in many data sources.